
What we can offer you

We would like to offer you a modern electronic signature solution. A qualified certificate is recognized as trusted in PDF documents opened in Adobe software. The CERTUM certificate allows for free signing of documents via the Internet.

Verification of the identity document without leaving home using a short video call.

Use the electronic signature for foreigners

The service is addressed to you if you are staying outside Poland, however, some official and administrative matters must be dealt with in Poland. The qualified electronic signature service for foreigners is the same as for a Polish citizen. The authentication document can be an identity card or a passport. Once a qualified electronic signature is issued, you can sign documents electronically.

Our satisfied customers are from all over the world: Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, France, Brazil, North Macedonia, England and many others

Electronic signature applications

In the office

The electronic signature will improve your communication with the public administration, you will sign the ZUS declaration and the Uniform Control File with it, you will send the financial statements on the e-KRS platform and the Uniform European Procurement Document. A qualified electronic signature is a convenient, reliable and fully secure solution that saves time and money.

In business: Efficient management in the digital era

.A qualified electronic signature is widely used in the business world. It facilitates, accelerates and organizes recruitment processes, concluding B2B/B2C contracts and keeping company documentation. Using a secure electronic signature, you can sign a file of documents, including: electronic invoices, pleadings in court writ-of-payment proceedings, e-tax returns and much more.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or would you like information? Contact our mobile advisor.

Phone: +48 735 178 041


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